Image, trauma, violence, immigration, refugees, United Nations, Gabriela Jaime, Latin America, forced displacement, natural disasters, war.

The Broken Path

In a previous Art & Culture post, we presented an illustration from RefugiArte, an initiative of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) aimed at raising awareness about the experiences of immigrants and refugees forced to leave their homes, communities, countries and lives behind due to poverty, violence, political turmoil, and others. 

In this post, we share an illustration by Mexican artist Gabriela Jaime, the piece is called El Camino Truncado/the broken path. 

The artist reflects on her privileges when migrating to other countries and how this is not the experience of many others. In fact, her artwork illustrates the barriers that many immigrants and refugees encounter on their journeys. Many flee their homes because of violence or misery, they can’t return. However, their path is not easy, as they may have to face one challenge after another, violence, and rejection, in the search for a better life.

Image, trauma, violence, immigration, refugees, United Nations, Gabriela Jaime, Latin America, forced displacement, natural disasters, war.

Image Credits:
Feature Image: Vic. Desarrollo, On Flickr. Creative Commons.
Body Image: Gabriela Jaime, Used with Artist’s Permission.
