Building Bridges, Not Walls

Building Bridges, Not Walls

Mallory Rose’s Ted Talk, “The Problem with Cultural Gatekeeping,” delves into the harmful consequences of defining and controlling cultural identity.

She argues that cultural gatekeeping, often rooted in a desire to protect cultural heritage, can inadvertently create exclusion and division.

Rose traces the origins of cultural gatekeeping to historical trauma and oppression, such as the residential school system, which forced Indigenous people to abandon their cultural identities. As a survival mechanism, cultural protectionism emerged, but it has evolved into a rigid system of rules and expectations. This, she contends, has created a culture of fear and shame, where individuals feel pressured to conform to strict standards of cultural authenticity to be accepted.

The speaker emphasizes that while preserving cultural traditions is important, it should not come at the expense of inclusivity. Gatekeeping can alienate those new to a culture or those who don’t perfectly fit the mold. It can also stifle creativity and innovation within the culture itself.

Rose proposes a shift towards a more open and welcoming approach to culture. She advocates for a balance between preserving traditions and embracing diversity. By creating inclusive spaces, cultures can grow and evolve while maintaining their core values. Ultimately, the goal should be to build bridges, not walls, and to foster a sense of belonging for everyone.

Rose concludes by urging the audience to challenge their assumptions about cultural identity and to work towards dismantling the barriers created by gatekeeping.

Watch the video here.


Image Credits: Meressa Chartrand on Unsplash
