When the clock has gone forward and all rehab has been completed, Where exactly do we pick up our life? Our abilities and level of…

By Edvard Munch Edvard Munch experienced a rough childhood, dealing with the mental illness of family members, death and grief at an early age. This…

A poem about love and dealing with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) By Neil Hillborn

David Bowie’s struggle with drug addiction was no secret. This song is another instance of the use of creative expression to overcome one’s personal conflicts,…

At the National Veterans Art Museum in Chicago, over 58,000 army tags are suspended from the ceiling in a 10 foot by 40 foot rectangle….

Magadalena Abakanowicz is a Polish artist who deals with the theme of the “countless”. She says: “I feel overwhelmed by quantity where counting no longer…

Michel Basquiat is an intriguing artist with an early traumatic history. Basquiat struggled with heroin addiction and eventually overdosed at age 27. This piece was…

The anonymous artists shares their experience with depression: “In my own personal journey with depression, I have found the words stop where the feeling begins….

By Anne Adams Unravelling Bolero was inspired by the music of Ravel. Both Adams and Ravel shared a fascination for patterns and both artists…