Cartoonist Allie Brosh describes her fight with depression using painful and raw, yet comical, realism in her blogs. A blog titled Adventures in Depression uses…

In her signature quirky style, illustrator Gemma Correll presents stickers to celebrate self-care. She identifies acts such as asking for help and taking time to…

Clay Jonathan, an artist who was originally diagnosed with depression in 1993, depicts his experience with the illness through his website Depression Comix. In this…

This funny yet poignant cartoon by Ryan Pequin of Three Word Phrase captures one of the realities of depression. Individuals suffering from this debilitating illness…

Illustrated by depression comix, this cartoon demonstrates the ever-present and persistent nature of chronic depression, as it comes and goes for those who are suffering…

People struggling with mental illness are often told to “get over it”. In this cartoon, Dima Dupéré rejects this misconception and sheds light on how…

In this cartoon, Dima Dupéré depicts the many faces of trauma. From her experience working in the mental-health field, she has found that trauma has…

Dima Dupéré, a cartoonist and an Associate Candidate with the Centre for Treatment of Sexual Abuse and Childhood Trauma, uses cartoons to give insight into…

In this cartoon, Dima Dupéré humorously depicts an amateurish moment between a therapist and client. Dupéré, an Associate Candidate with the Centre for Treatment of…

Cartoonist Dima Dupéré draws this cartoon to depict a challenging scenario that some may face in therapy – the unmotivated client. Dupéré told the Trauma…