Nirvana’s song “Polly” is about a 14-year-old girl who was kidnapped after attending their concert in Tacoma, Washington. The man who abducted her, Gerald Friend, raped…
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This poem by Amit Majmudar showcases the pain and confusion felt by mothers who experience a miscarriage, as well as how some try to deal with their…
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The rise of ultra-nationalism and authoritarianism in Hungary has been accompanied by an increase in hostility and violence toward its Romani civilians. The occupation of…
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Sara Naomi Lewkowicz is a photographer who documented firsthand a couple’s descent from a fun-filled day out to a night of domestic violence. The pictures…
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Radiohead’s “How to Disappear Completely” captures the feeling of desperation people feel as stress mounts in their lives. Alluding to the process of running away…
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“Asleep” by The Smiths tries to capture the hopelessness that is present in suicidal ideation. The lyrics speak of wanting to go to a better, happier place and the song…
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Today’s seniors grew up when their LGBTQ status was considered a mental illness, a view that has largely changed. But, as Nancy Knauer of Temple…
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The expectation of unending compassion for others is unrealistic. For trauma workers, hearing devastating stories can take its toll. This can be seen in detrimental…
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The 1975’s lead singer and writer, Matt Healy, shares a dark, inner dialogue through his music. ‘Me’ is a powerful and haunting song– the interpretation…
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Published by a blog called The Oblivion Catalog, “Song of Madness” offers a picturesque glimpse into the mind of a patient possibly suffering from schizophrenia….
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