Never Sick Enough

Never Sick Enough

Christie Begnell is an illustrator and author who has used her own experience with an eating disorder (ED) to raise awareness about this misunderstood illness. The illustration below exemplifies the deluding nature of EDs. Often, EDs can make people who are struggling with them believe that they will never be “sick enough” to receive treatment for their illness, even though the mental and/or physical debilitation caused by the ED may be readily apparent to those around them. Bringing these common thoughts among people who suffer from this disorder helps spread knowledge and awareness to help those in need.

Eating Disorder, Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating Disorder, Body Dysmorphia, Eating Disorder Awareness, Mental Illness, Mental Health, Recovery

Image Credits:
Feature Image: Adam Nieścioruk, on Unsplash, Creative Commons
Body Image:, on Instagram, Creative Commons 
