I’m Not Crazy

I’m Not Crazy

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder characterized by recurring, unwanted, and unpleasant obsessive thoughts which are often followed by repetitive behaviours or compulsions in an attempt to get rid of the obsessions. While there are common obsessions like fear of contamination and common compulsions like excessive hand washing, most people diagnosed with OCD often feel isolated in their struggles because no one truly understands what they are going through.

This exact sentiment is the message conveyed by writer and Registered Nurse Cherry Pedrick, whose own OCD diagnosis took her into a deep dive of OCD diagnosis, treatment, and management. In her poem “I’m Not Crazy”, Predrick addresses the societal judgements imposed on those with OCD, and how there exists a lack of understanding and acceptance for the obsessions and compulsions that plague people.

I’m not crazy, not really.

I know I act strange at times.

I know I ask too many questions.

I know the door was locked, and you watched me turn the car around . . . again . . . to check the lock . . . again.

On the other hand, Pedrick highlights the significance of having empathetic individuals throughout one’s OCD journey, and how this support can be instrumental in having positive outcomes during treatment.

Most of all, I remember the love and prayers.

They prayed when I couldn’t.

They loved me when I couldn’t love myself.

I think I speak for many with this strange illness called OCD,

“Thank you who have supported me and others with OCD.

Without you, our recovery would be slower.

As a final message, Pedrick writes that OCD may feel very alienating at times due to obsessive thoughts that cause impairment. Although this can be worsened by negative public perception, it is important to focus on the support and affection from those around you. Additionally, in the challenges of OCD, Pedrick reminds her readers that recovery is possible and that these difficult times can be overcome.

Read the full poem here: https://ocdpoetry.weebly.com/im-not-crazy.html

Image Credits:

Featured Image: Alexander Grey, Unsplash

