“Depression: A Life Alone” is a short film by Luke McAdie and his colleagues explaining the importance of speaking about depression and mental illness at…
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Michael Kimber’s visual poem tells the story of his battle with anxiety. Diagnosed at 25, Kimber explains how counseling and the support from his loved…
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Neil Hilborn struggled with OCD for years. Now, he has decided to speak out about the disorder through poetry. He performed during the Individual Finals…
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A professor at York University specializing in trauma and attachment, Robert T. Muller recently gave a lecture at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health….
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In a 1976 interview, Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys reflected on his drug abuse, which was accompanied by a struggle with depression. Through the years,…
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This spoken word poem by IN-Q talks about the difficulty of overcoming addictions. The author talks about channeling your inner resolve and ends on a hopeful…
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Laura Burke’s visual poem “Superhero” explains her own struggles with mental illness and all of the havoc that it played on her life. She touches upon themes…
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Andrea Bayer of the Metropolitan Museum of Art has compiled a very personal slideshow presentation on grief. She talks about the role grief plays in…
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This video by Nataniel Matanick shows a girl’s experience in the foster care system and the importance of support for the foster parents. Providing education and…
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The YouTube channel “Science of Happiness” delves into an examination of whether art therapy is really effective. They follow the progress of several volunteers as…
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