Directed by the Danya Institute, “Living With ADHD” explores the unique experience of parents and adults who have either suffered with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity…

Artist Melissa McCracken was born with a rare neurological condition called Synesthesia. This condition is characterized by a phenomenon, wherein sensory stimulation is automatically experienced…

“The Final Masquerade” is a rock ballad by the band Linkin Park that implies a sense of negativity and foreboding. Interestingly, however, the instrumentals create…

“Still I Rise”, by Maya Angelou, is a poem about the adversity and racism faced by Angelou and many other African-American individuals throughout history. In…

In 1999, artist Mathew Good decided to write a song about his friend who was admitted to a psychiatric institution. The lyrics attempt to describe…

“The Grand Optimist” is written and performed by Dallas Green, of City and Colour. The lyrics convey a sense of losing hope—feelings often described by…

Christian D. Larson (1874 – 1954) was an American New Thought spiritual leader, teacher, and writer. He believed in the power of the individual and…

The music video for “Elastic Heart”, by Australian recording artist Sia, portrays an interpretive dance between a man and child that is meant to depict…

Tom Greening, a clinical psychologist and professor at Saybrook University, uses poetry to express his concerns with the current mental health system. He writes: “As…

Maya Angelou, an author, poet, and civil rights activist depicts the struggle of women in a male-dominated society. Her poetry is intended to raise awareness of women’s…