by: Kelly Kend Darwin is a Vietnam vet. After returning to the US, he worked his way up the corporate ladder, but his experiences…
The Trauma and Attachment report recently interviewed Mac and German, the son and brother of Doris, a woman who suffers from schizophrenia. Mac and German…
For many, the workplace can be a second home. Co-workers become a familiar part of everyday routine; they can be people with whom close relationships…
Probably Picasso’s most famous work, Guernica is certainly his most powerful political statement, painted as an immediate reaction to the Nazi’s devastating casual bombing practice…
George Tooker Jr., was born in Brooklyn in 1920 and died in Vermont in 2011. During his long career he would create a distinct niche…
By: Lawrence Raab Making something the way it was— what could I have been thinking months ago when I wrote that line in my notebook?…
In 2008, violence erupted in Nairobi, Kenya after the contested re-election of president Mwai Kibaki sparked outrage amongst his opposition parties. Nairobi civilians reeled in…