Going Forward with Life
When the clock has gone forward and all rehab has been completed, Where exactly do we pick up our life?
Our abilities and level of function have changed from our brain injury, Where exactly do we pick up our life?
We cannot go back to a different time to a place where we have already been. Where exactly do we pick up our life?
In many ways we are now a new person old dreams must somehow be put to rest. Where exactly do we pick up our life?
How do we figure out what is realistic? Will we know the right path to follow? Where exactly do we pick up our life?
We have felt a beginning and also an end. We must somehow say good-bye to the old. Where exactly do we pick up our life?
It is frightening to find a new beginning, never knowing if we can possibly succeed. Where exactly do we pick up our life?
We must stop wasting time and move forward, we have to let go of “what has been” before. Where exactly do we pick up our life?
We have to stop hiding, we must not be afraid, even though every change is quite over-whelming. Where exactly do we pick up our life?
We have to take steps and venture into unfamiliar, we must change old goals and think of something new. Where exactly do we pick up our life?
We start with today and embrace our gift of life, realistic planning can help to readjust our dreams. Where exactly do we pick up our life?
We must consider today as the first day of life, letting go of what once was but can also never be. That is exactly what we do to pick up our life!
By: Debbie Wilson, 10-16-97