mental health, art, distortion, madness, timeless, change, disorder, reality, representation, culture


The painting “Scream” by Edvard Munch was created in 1893. The painting was created with the intention to represent human disorder in the mind. Through the brush strokes it is evident that everything is extremely distorted and does not represent reality. Munch aimed to express his own personal experiences of disorder occurring at the time. At this time this style of art and expression was quite uncommon which ultimately led Munch to abandon this style soon after. Although this image was made in 1893 it is evident that the struggle with mental health existed long before it became popular in our modern day understanding and culture. It is interesting to see how over time concepts of mental health and mental illness remain relatively present but change accordingly due to culture.

mental health, art, distortion, madness, timeless, change, disorder, reality, representation, culture

Image Credits:
Feature Image: Cristian Newman, on Unsplash, Creative Commons
Body Image: Edvard Munch, on, Public Domain
