EP 43: Raising Awareness and Support for Youth Mental Health.
Mental Health challenges are at an all time high right now with people still recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic and the risk of a recession due to the economic crisis as a result from the pandemic. With this comes the need for more available and affordable mental health services and resources. In this interview we speak with mental health advocate for the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Judy Brunton, for her perspective. In this episode we discuss various challenges, resources, and support for mental health. Judy shares her own story with how she got started, what work she has done, and how events such as the pandemic have impacted mental health supports in general. She also highlights the significant need for mental health stigma to be addressed and for more affordable mental health services. With the economy struggling to recover from the pandemic, the need for mental health supports and fundraisers for affordable programs is needed now more than ever.
Check out Judy’s Youth Mental Health Fundraiser for CMHA, as well as her Fundraiser Facebook Page.