Resiliency is a Key Ingredient for Development

Resiliency is a Key Ingredient for Development

In a video with Dr. Erica Lee, a psychology instructor at Harvard Medical School, explains what resilience is and how it impacts our mental health. She states that it is when our protective factors not only allow an individual to bounce back from hardship, but also when those factors outweigh the stresses one experiences from hardship. While resilience is key during childhood, as it is a key developmental stage, it does not start and end there.

“Resilience is actually something we can build across our entire lifetime”

She emphasizes that even if someone experiences a great amount of adversity when they are young, it does not mean they cannot go on to become resilient teenagers or adults. However, how do we help children foster resiliency? Dr. Lee mentions that the most important protective factor for a child is having at least one stable and supportive caregiving relationship with an adult in their life. Whether it is a parent, grandparent, teacher or  coach, a relationship such as one of those allows a child to feel a sense of safety and predictability, to know they have someone to support them through hardships.

Video: “What is Resilience and Why is it Important to Mental Health?”


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Featured Image: Karim Manjra on Unsplash
