When a father loses a child, his grief can sometimes be eclipsed by that of the mother’s. This poem by Eileen Knight Hagemeister describes how…

Barb Brown depicts the subjective experience of anxiety in her poem titled ‘Anxiety Comes’, lyrically describing the suddenness and fear. Anxiety Comes it comes like…

“Hope” is a famous poem written by Emily Dickinson. In this piece, Dickinson personifies hope as a bird, full of endurance and bravery, defeating despair…

‘Richard Cory’, a poem written by Edwin Arlington Robinson, describes the life of a man who seemingly has it all…but commits suicide. The poem serves…

‘Spilled Ink’, a poem by Shiane Salabie, explains her personal struggle of dealing with everyday challenges. In the powerful lines, Salabie speaks to the idea…

‘Listen’ is a poem by Kaitlin Akow, presented at the Vancouver Poetry Slam. The poem discusses the issue of anxiety and the struggle to be…

In his poem, ‘Alone’, Edgar Allen Poe explores his feelings of solitude and isolation. Edgar Allen Poe has been known to suffer from feelings of…

Rachel McKibbens writes a personal essay on her experience with bipolar disorder and that by denying that she had a problem, her mental condition worsened…

Rachel, a blogger on time-to-change.org, suffers from an unnamed mental illness. She wrote this poem in an effort to speak to the fear, discrimination, and…