Many of Vincent Van Gogh’s paintings illustrate the mental health struggles the artist lived with. Towards the end of his life, his thoughts on death…

In today’s fast pace and turbulent world, we sometime lose touch with the very people who helped shape our lives—friends who were with us through…

Séraphine Louis, whose life inspired the 2008 bio-pic Séraphine, is a self-taught French artist known for her intensely coloured ornamental floral paintings. Inspired by religious…

This poem from Writings for Winter, is not an easy read. It touches upon the struggle of debating suicide. This poem may have a number…

Trophy by Anonymous are lyrics written about struggling with depression and loss. The author emphasizes the frustration of wanting these feelings to end, by comparing…

In May 2015, former English footballer Rio Ferdinand lost his wife to cancer. In order to deal with the overwhelming pain and grief, Ferdinand joined…

The third stanza of Mary Oliver’s poem Rain, outlines the moment the author’s family discovers her uncle’s suicide one rainy day. The verse is all…

William Blake, an English poet and artist of the Romantic era, experienced visions throughout his life. Blake’s visions often contained religious themes and imagery and…