Andrea Bayer of the Metropolitan Museum of Art has compiled a very personal slideshow presentation on grief. She talks about the role grief plays in…
Catalina Ferro’s poetry slam “Anxiety Group” is an excellent portrayal of how the stress of everyday life can contribute to an almost ceaseless state of…
This poem by Amit Majmudar showcases the pain and confusion felt by mothers who experience a miscarriage, as well as how some try to deal with their…
This video by Nataniel Matanick shows a girl’s experience in the foster care system and the importance of support for the foster parents. Providing education and…
Radiohead’s “How to Disappear Completely” captures the feeling of desperation people feel as stress mounts in their lives. Alluding to the process of running away…
“Asleep” by The Smiths tries to capture the hopelessness that is present in suicidal ideation. The lyrics speak of wanting to go to a better, happier place and the song…
This timeless poem by renowned poet William Wordsworth may be familiar to many of us from grade school. Its meaning, however, is quite deep, as…
These are among the pieces made by Jackson Pollock during the time he was receiving Jungian psychoanalysis for alcoholism. Such works are often referred to…
Today’s seniors grew up when their LGBTQ status was considered a mental illness, a view that has largely changed. But, as Nancy Knauer of Temple…
Depression Diary is an award-winning short drama that highlights symptoms, attitudes, and emotions of manic depression. The film focuses on an unnamed teenage girl, recounting…