When we think of death, dying and grief, no one therapist has had the impact and staying power as that of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. Her five…
By: Danna Hobart Nights stretch out like a black cat across my path, shadows writhe and sprout in my nightmare’s wrath. Full moon sings me…
The lyrics evoke someone dealing with depression but finding themselves “erased” by the medication. The lines: “I’m trying, but I’ve gone through the glass again, just…
Untitled painting by Unica Zurn. Zurn struggled with depression from the age of 41 and onward, and this struggle is reflected in her writings and…
The artist, Clay, describes Depression Comix as a graphical representation of personal experiences with depression and other mental illnesses. Many of Clay’s comics depict an…
By Sylvia Plath Tulips is among Plath’s poems that deal with her experience with depression. Plath committed suicide in 1963—she was 30 years old. …