With the recent Zac Efron movie, depicting serial killer Ted Bundy, the media have been shocked by the admiration many have expressed toward him. Netflix…

Ryan Pettigrew is a Colorado native who spent eight years of a 12-year prison sentence in solitary confinement. Struggling with bipolar disorder as a teen,…

Sixteen-year-old Kalief Browder spent three years in New York’s notorious Rikers prison, awaiting trial for robbery. Two of those years were spent in solitary confinement….

On February 8, 2015, Natasha McKenna—a 37-year-old offender who suffered from mental illness—died following an incident in which she was tasered four times by law…

Dan Pacholke is the former Deputy Secretary of the Washington State Department of Corrections—and a well-known prison-reform visionary. Throughout his career, he has helped correctional…

Was he “insane” or not? That is the question jury members in Erath County, Texas addressed, on February 25th, 2015, during three hours of deliberation…

“Mistreated Minds” is a documentary about the overwhelming stigma facing those who are challenged with mental health conditions, as it pertains to incarceration and the…

The continuous withdrawal of mental health funding has turned jails and prisons across the nation into the default mental health facilities. The system designed for…