“Bone” is a poem from Yrsa Daley-Ward’s critically acclaimed poetry collection of the same name. Born in Chorley, Lancashire, to a Jamaican mother and Nigerian…

The band Twenty-One Pilots became well-known in the music industry after the release of their most successful song “Stressed Out”. The lead singer Tyler and…

Through her poetry, Christina emphasizes the idea that the upward progression of the soul is not an easy process. Distractions and doubts can weigh a…

Click here to view our podcast channel! In this episode, Trauma Report writer Emma Bennet speaks with Ashley Rose Murphy, an ambassador for the Canadian Foundation for…

Jake Tyler has lived with depression his whole life. In April 2017, after contemplating ending his life, Tyler realized that he needed help. He recognized…

Em Farquhar-Barrie is a multi-disciplinary artist at Making Room Community Arts, an arts company which promotes radical inclusivity and the collaboration of diverse communities through…

In a short video featured on Buzzfeed four brave individuals discuss their attempts at taking their own lives. The video–and accompanying article–offers insight on how they coped and developed personal…