Supporting Your Mental Health While Working from Home
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruption in virtually all workplaces. For many, the workplace has merged with the home, as social distancing has necessitated remote working wherever possible. For those of us in this situation, “you’re on mute” has become embedded into our everyday language – but along with the humor of technical difficulties have come Zoom fatigue and a lack of boundary between work and home. This video by Mental Health First Aid England discusses ways that you can support your mental health while working from home. Waking up at a normal time, establishing a designated workspace, and taking regular breaks are only a few of the tips they suggest in protecting your mental health during these unusual times. Until we are able to return to the workplace, consider adopting some of these methods, and see if they make a difference in your well-being.
Image Credits:
Feature Image: Chris Montgomery, On Unsplash, Creative Commons