Orion and the Dark, Darkness, Netflix, Film, General Anxiety Disorder, Job Fatigue, Stress, Night Entities, Fear, Adventure

The Fear of the Dark

In a movie recently released on Netflix, they dive into the world of the night. They did so by personifying darkness (the Dark) and his friends, the Night Entities. This film is called “Orion and the Dark ”. It’s main premise is the Dark taking Orion on an adventure with him so he will stop being afraid. The Dark chose Orion as he deemed him the child most afraid of him. While at first this movie may seem light and bubbly it also tackles mental health disorders such as general anxiety disorder. This is evident as the opening scene of the film is Orion describing everything he is afraid of, which turns out to be a very long list. 

Throughout their adventure they go through many ups and downs with the Dark even struggling with his job. This displayed an example of job fatigue as the stress of millions being afraid of him and liking the Light more impacted his mental health negatively. As the pair works together to complete the night and return Orion home they begin to form a friendship. Orion starts to have fun, as he finally begins to leave his anxieties behind. 

You can click here if you want an example of Orion having many fears and refusing to live in the moment. 

Image Credits:
Feature Image: m wrona, On Unsplash. Creative Commons.
