On occasion, we hear of extreme cases of child abuse, making family names like the Turpins infamous. The 13 Turpin children were held captive in…

Christa Marie’s poem “Broken Stairs” tells the story of a young girl’s fight with depression. The poem speaks of “monsters in her mind” which can be interpreted as representing her mental illness, her thoughts, and the lies…

“Uninvited Guest” is a short poem by Vicky from Family Friend Poems that captures the depths of depression and the helplessness one may feel when…

Rupi Kaur is a Canadian poet, feminist, activist, and spoken word poet. She is best known for her acclaimed debut book “Milk and Honey.” Each chapter in…

“The Noonday Demon” is a book by Andrew Solomon that explores the topic of major depression, incorporating both medical research and the accounts of people…

On December 6, Canada’s National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women, Debbie Major’s deeply-moving first-person narrative called Lost Voice: Discovering Life After…

This poem from Writings for Winter, is not an easy read. It touches upon the struggle of debating suicide. This poem may have a number…

Trophy by Anonymous are lyrics written about struggling with depression and loss. The author emphasizes the frustration of wanting these feelings to end, by comparing…

Diana Flacks, along with producer Rosie Fernandez, investigate the long term psychological effects of keeping family secrets in their new CBC Radio podcast, featuring an…