“Elefante” is an award-winning short film written and directed by Barcelonian producer Pablo Larcuen about a man dissatisfied with his life and dealing with a…

1. Kanye West, ‘Only One 2. Radiohead – ‘Videotape’ 3.Rufus Wainwright – ‘Memphis Skyline’ 4. AFI – ‘This Time Imperfect’ 5. Tiger Army – ‘Where the Moss…

Instagram has become a platform that enables and expands the careers of “social media influencers,” individuals who are the face of advertisements for many companies and…

One of Vincent van Gogh’s masterpieces, “The Potato Eaters” serves as a gritty snapshot of a peasant family struggling to survive in the Netherlands during…

“Uninvited Guest” is a short poem by Vicky from Family Friend Poems that captures the depths of depression and the helplessness one may feel when…

On November 7, 2016, the Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario reached a settlement with a juror diagnosed with vicarious post-traumatic stress disorder. The…

In today’s fast pace and turbulent world, we sometime lose touch with the very people who helped shape our lives—friends who were with us through…

Séraphine Louis, whose life inspired the 2008 bio-pic Séraphine, is a self-taught French artist known for her intensely coloured ornamental floral paintings. Inspired by religious…