This VICE documentary on the Aokigahara Forest, otherwise known as the Japanese “suicide forest,” follows Azusa Hayano, a geologist, who studies the plantation at the…
Many artists are taking to Instagram and other social media platforms to do their part in supporting individuals struggling with their mental health. “Santa_ana_dreamin714“, the…
In this TED Talk featuring psychologist Dan Gilbert, he discusses humans’ ability to synthesize happiness. Gilbert introduces a cognitive system referred to as “the psychological…
The captivating lyrics of the song “Little Talks” by Of Monsters and Men are a hauntingly beautiful depiction of how anxiety and depression can impact relationships. The sentences from the female’s…
During the summer of 2017, Adrian and his partner, Kayla, ventured out to explore the dense forest in a remote area of south-eastern Canada where…
“The Noonday Demon” is a book by Andrew Solomon that explores the topic of major depression, incorporating both medical research and the accounts of people…
Many of Vincent Van Gogh’s paintings illustrate the mental health struggles the artist lived with. Towards the end of his life, his thoughts on death…
Ryan Pettigrew is a Colorado native who spent eight years of a 12-year prison sentence in solitary confinement. Struggling with bipolar disorder as a teen,…
In today’s fast pace and turbulent world, we sometime lose touch with the very people who helped shape our lives—friends who were with us through…
Séraphine Louis, whose life inspired the 2008 bio-pic Séraphine, is a self-taught French artist known for her intensely coloured ornamental floral paintings. Inspired by religious…