Stereotypes are present in everyday life, including childhood. Sometimes stereotypes get labeled as “normal” and become common in many households. This can often be overlooked,…

Autism spectrum disorder has been underestimated in girls, women, non-binary people and other minorities. Boys are 4 times more likely to receive an autism diagnosis…

When I was a child, my grandfather’s tattoos were associated with his time in the military. Now, not a day goes by without seeing someone…

Often when an image of a black man comes to mind, it is often paired with the stereotype which includes said individual to have a…

When university student Kinga (name changed) was young, she struggled with symptoms she couldn’t identify. She had shortness of breath and would suddenly get anxious….

Vernā Myers’ bold TED Talk uncovers the many hidden biases people feel towards others. These biases often lead to stereotyping, and overt racism and sexism,…

Grassy Narrows First Nation in Northern Ontario, Canada, has been in the media spotlight for decades regarding mercury contamination from a nearby chemical plant of…