Silence is a short film by Freeman House Productions stitched together from lyrics from Nirvana’s album “Nevermind.” Released to commemorate Kurt Cobain’s passing, the film…

In 2002, U.S. President George W. Bush enacted a policy allowing faith-based organizations to receive government grants to provide social services. America’s Crisis Pregnancy Centers…

The chief editor of The Trauma & Mental Health Report, Dr. Robert Muller, has recently recorded a podcast for aspiring trauma therapist. The podcast covers…

Most us have heard the horrifying statistics surrounding domestic violence, but we rarely get to glimpse the personal stories of victims. The students of Fordham…

The defendant entered the courtroom, giving a thumbs-up to the judges and clapping mockingly at the spectators watching from a glass-walled gallery. His name: Ratko…

Top Counseling Schools has designed an infographic to help educate people about telepsychiatry, a phenomenon gaining popularity in the mental healthcare field for its ability…

In “Even My Dad Does Sometimes”, Ed Sheeran encourages those who feel sad and depressed to share those feelings with others, as that is the…

“Mistreated Minds” is a documentary about the overwhelming stigma facing those who are challenged with mental health conditions, as it pertains to incarceration and the…

The emotional connection between a memory and an event can be powerful. A child rescued from a house fire or a soldier returning from Afghanistan…

The film follows Dr, Kamran Ahmed, a trainee psychiatrist, teaching medical students in Somaliland. During the expedition, he made a short documentary about mental health in…