More common than once thought, from new fathers to high-level executives, many of us experience impostor syndrome. Defined in the Harvard Business Review, it’s: “A…

On April 13, 2016, Bill and Lindsay Brent received the phone call they were desperate for. Their youngest child Nathan would get the liver transplant…

When people think of pop idols, they think of a blissful life. It is hard to imagine otherwise when these stars are beloved by many…

The song “I Will Follow You Into The Dark” by Death Cab for Cutie was written by lead singer and guitarist Ben Gibbard. The artist…

English artist Richard Dadd was well-known in the Victorian era for his supernatural and enigmatic illustrations. Some of Dadd’s best work was created while he…

One of the first nationally known African American poets Paul Laurence Dunbar wrote the inspirational piece “After While”. Speaking about anxiety, the verse was written…

As a woman who’s always identified as a feminist, I’ve protested and debated for a woman’s right to body autonomy for many years—and continue to…

In 2016, Vice released a series of a short films centred around the topic of mental health. “Grounded” explores the effect of ambient music on…

Chester Bennington of the group ‘Linkin Park‘ was a champion for millions, being a voice for so many coping with mental illness while validating and…

Hieronymus Bosch (c. 1450-1516) was an influential Dutch painter, known for his illustrations of religious tales and ideas. Through his artworks, we can see how…