Tears in Heaven
Eric Clapton’s song “Tears in Heaven” could possibly be the saddest song ever written about losing a loved one. Dealing with the loss of his four-year-old son who fell from the 54th floor of a building while playing tag with the housekeeper, the song helped the artist heal and come to terms with this tragedy.
His lyrics express his sadness and desired encounter with his son and what it would be like to see him in heaven. His realization of the love that a child can bring and the emotional rewards of parenting came a few days before his son’s death when expressing his desire to be a more involved parent to the mother of the child, model Lori Del Santos. You can sense the uncertainty of his relationship with his son in the following lyric:
“Would you know my name, if I saw you in heaven?”
Dealing with regret could perhaps be one of the most devastating feelings after the loss of someone you love.
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Feature: 4144132 at Pixabay, Creative Commons
Eric I listened to tears in heaven I cried that’s a beautiful song best song ever ever played in the world it came from God in heaven
Very touching! Emotional! Heartfelt! Inspirational! Forgiven!
Eric, I understand your pain beyond words! We always want to have our children forever and want to go to Heaven long before then.i understand the pain you feel! I’m so happy that you were able to move on in your life. I’m not saying that you won’t think of him every day, because I know you will. He is waiting to see u again! Until that time comes, enjoy your life. You earned it! Corinne
My son was going through chemotherapy when this came out, my biggest fear was losing a child, we wer lucky he survived, it’s always been our song he chose this for the mother son dance at his wedding , unfortunately we just lost his brother about 5 months before his wedding the song has a new meaning to us
Thank you ❤️