The lyrics in the song “The Drugs” by Mother Mother describe the extensive impact that addiction can have on an individual and the cumulative toll that drug-dependency can have…

In a busy urban community church, Reverend John Tahir, a parish minister, enjoys many moments helping and advising members of his congregation. One of his…

1. Kanye West, ‘Only One 2. Radiohead – ‘Videotape’ 3.Rufus Wainwright – ‘Memphis Skyline’ 4. AFI – ‘This Time Imperfect’ 5. Tiger Army – ‘Where the Moss…

Jackson Pollock was an American painter who suffered from bipolar disorder and alcoholism for most of his life. Pollock founded the Abstract Expressionist Movement introducing a dramatic new style of painting referred to as…

American poet Robert Frost’s famous poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay” uses nature imagery to reveal that every good time or “gold” moment is fleeting and…

Instagram has become a platform that enables and expands the careers of “social media influencers,” individuals who are the face of advertisements for many companies and…

On occasion, we hear of extreme cases of child abuse, making family names like the Turpins infamous. The 13 Turpin children were held captive in…

Eric Clapton’s song “Tears in Heaven” could possibly be the saddest song ever written about losing a loved one. Dealing with the loss of his four-year-old son who fell from the…

One of Vincent van Gogh’s masterpieces, “The Potato Eaters” serves as a gritty snapshot of a peasant family struggling to survive in the Netherlands during…