How To Fix A Broken Heart
Guy Winch is a psychologist, writer and TedTalk speaker from London, England. In his Ted Talk “How to fix a broken heart”, Winch explains how we can compare having a broken heart to what addicts experience during withdrawal symptoms. In both cases, there is a strong addictive component that is missing (in this case, the idea of “love or being loved”), and our brain’s job is to find a way to make sense about life without it. Winch highlights the importance of “letting go”, since feelings of hope may just obstruct the process of understanding that the significant other is not longer there for us. It is important to keep a balance between remembering what was good and bad about the relationship, as it will help us coping with the feeling of absence on a less painful way. Not surprisingly, heartbreaks contain similar mood swings experience during grief, for it is important to be careful about how we embrace and face this process.
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Feature Image: Dalton Smith, On Unsplash, Creative Commons