So Blue All the Time
The emotional and melancholic “Funeral” by singer/songwriter Phoebe Bridgers from her album “Stranger in the Alps”, pays tribute to the tragic death of her close friend who passed away due to heroin overdose. Bridgers has never shied away from discussing mental illness nor calling out its frequent romanticization. She frequently discusses deeply personal material pertaining to her life, and highlights the recurring cycles of depression.
The chorus repeats:
“Jesus Christ, I’m so blue all the time/ And that’s just how I feel/ Always have and always will.”
For people who struggle with depression, the sentiment of being unable to escape their depression is resonant and powerful. The acoustic guitar coupled with her delicate vocals and meaningful lyrics create a profound feeling of heartache. Her music allows listeners not only to feel her pain deeply but also allows them to reflect on their own experience and channel their pain through art.
Through her song Bridgers tries to inspire her listeners to recognize that vulnerability is not a weakness. Having healthy outlets and mechanisms to deal with one’s emotions can help those suffering to cope in adaptive ways.
As a queer woman, Bridgers uses her prominent voice to call out discrimination on people of colour, the LGBTQ+ community, and other marginalized groups of people.
You can listen to her song “Funeral” on Spotify here.
Image Credits:
Feature Image: Philipp Schlabs, On Unsplash, Creative Commons.