mental health, art, agoraphobia, phobias, isolated, trapped, expression, anxiety, feelings, recovery


Agoraphobia is the fear of going outside, leaving your comfort zone and interacting with the world. For many of us, especially due to the COVID-19 pandemic, social interactions became difficult after lockdown due to heightened fears and social anxieties. 

mental health, art, agoraphobia, phobias, isolated, trapped, expression, anxiety, feelings, recovery

Seri Stinson, a Toronto based artist, created an art piece dedicated towards agoraphobia which has been seen around the city under Twenty Twenty Arts, a public art fundraising campaign for mental illness. Seri created this piece during a time where she was experiencing symptoms of agoraphobia and portrayed it through this image. The choice of bright colours was strategically used to describe to viewers exactly how she was feeling. 

Image Credits:
Feature Image: Kasper Rasmussen, Unsplash, Creative Commons
Body Image: Seri Stinson, Toronto Star, Public Domain
