“The Bell Jar” is a semi-autobiographical novel written by Sylvia Plath and published in 1963. This was the first and last story ever to be…
Lindsay Young depicts the experience of living with social anxiety in their powerful spoken word poem “Social Anxiety.” Posted to Button Poetry’s YouTube channel, Young’s…
One of English author Neil Gaiman’s most successful works is his “Sandman” graphic novel series that follows a group of seven gods who Gaiman refers…
The poems of author Charles Bukowski drudge through the mundane aspects of everyday life; but there is a bittersweet candidness to his observations that pull…
“The Yellow Wallpaper” is a short story written by Charlotte Anna Perkins Stetson Gilman and originally published in 1892. Stetson Gilman was an American writer…
Dr. Ramani Durvasula is a licensed clinical psychologist and expert on the topics of narcissistic personality disorder and narcissistic abuse. In her book, “Should I…
Emily Dickinson was one of the most prolific and original authors of her time. She constantly challenged the existing framework and definitions of poetry by…
Rubi Morgan’s slam poem “Therapist” details the experience of working as a helping professional while managing one’s own mental health. Morgan compares therapists to superheroes,…
Killers of the Flower Moon is 2017 a non-fiction novel by the American Journalist David Grann, which is slotted to be released in 2022 as…