“Depression: A Life Alone” is a short film by Luke McAdie and his colleagues explaining the importance of speaking about depression and mental illness at…
William Korelek was a Canadian artist who suffered from mental illness. His two most famous works, “The Maze” and “Out of the Maze,” reflect his…
Auditory hallucinations are difficult to treat. People show a wide range of response to antipsychotics. And, the medications are associated with negative side effects. Psychological…
Blue October’s “Schizophrenia” describes the symptoms and challenges a person with schizophrenia faces. Most importantly, the song points out that anyone can suffer from this…
Lora Johnson’s poem “Abuse” tells the story of an abusive relationship. The poem highlights the helplessness and self-blame that the victim often feels. People ask…
Sujith Rathnayake developed a psychotic illness after losing his family during the 2004 tsunami. He was admitted to a psychiatric hospital in Sri Lanka where…
Michael Kimber’s visual poem tells the story of his battle with anxiety. Diagnosed at 25, Kimber explains how counseling and the support from his loved…
Darcy Easton was 11 years old when he drew “The Scream: My Life with ADHD” for his school’s art competition. He believed it explained his…
Tracy Chapman’s song “Behind the Wall” showcases the pain of living in an abusive household. Chapman depicts abuse that happens behind closed doors and how…
Some people find the sound of nails on a chalkboard or the rumbling of a snoring spouse irritating, but what if the sound of someone…