Bearing witness to one’s trials and triumphs through their poetry can be a meaningful way of connecting with another individual. Tanesha Nicole’s spoken word poem…

Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are often infantilized and misrepresented, including the common misconception that they are heterosexual and cisgender. Yet, with the recent…

In this informative Ted Talk titled “What Causes Panic Attacks, and How Can You Prevent Them?”, Dr. Cindy J. Aaronson educates us on panic…

Being positive all the time and rejecting negative aspects of life can create unhealthy experiences. Toxic positivity is when you deny, invalidate, or minimize a…

Physician Maxwell Cooper presents the case of a young man struggling with PTSD after years of torture. During one torture session the man recalled the…

Christian Morrisseau is an Ojibwa artist and the father of one of the seven indigenous students whose lives were taken in Thunder Bay. His painting,…

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom, written by Don Miguel Ruiz, is a short book based on ancient Toltec wisdom that advocates…

December 6th marks 31 years since 14 women were murdered at Polytechnique Montréal University, simply because they were women. As a consequence of this terrible…

Click here to view our podcast channel! How much do you know about music therapy? Many of us are able to find comfort and enjoyment…

The psychological impacts that occur as a result of living through distressing events is understood as trauma. Managing feelings associated with traumatic events in one’s…