When we think of death, dying and grief, no one therapist has had the impact and staying power as that of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. Her five…

“He looked like a passive type person, living in his own world… there had to be something wrong with him, but I never thought he…

Kim Noble, who suffers from dissociative identity disorder (DID), uses painting as a coping strategy to deal with her different personalities. Some of the personalities…

Hollywood and much of the Western world was shocked by the sudden passing of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman in February of 2014. Reports rapidly circulated…

Painting by Felix Nussbaum As the Nazis took hold of Germany and began to control all aspects of social life, Nussbaum realized he would not…

With his painting Guernica, Picasso meant to depict the trauma—both physical and psychological—of the Second World War.

Despite being mostly illegal, slavery remains a global reality. It is estimated that over 20.9 million people are currently enslaved and involuntarily trafficked within their…