“The Noonday Demon” is a book by Andrew Solomon that explores the topic of major depression, incorporating both medical research and the accounts of people…

On December 6, Canada’s National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women, Debbie Major’s deeply-moving first-person narrative called Lost Voice: Discovering Life After…

This poem from Writings for Winter, is not an easy read. It touches upon the struggle of debating suicide. This poem may have a number…

Trophy by Anonymous are lyrics written about struggling with depression and loss. The author emphasizes the frustration of wanting these feelings to end, by comparing…

Penned by Instagram artist thoughtbuckets, An Ode to My Anxiety is a conversation between a young person and their anxiety. It is a portrait of somebody…

Pete Sciarrino’s poem Restless Nights is an honest reflection of his internal struggles with depression and anxiety. Though most of the poem is relatable to…

The third stanza of Mary Oliver’s poem Rain, outlines the moment the author’s family discovers her uncle’s suicide one rainy day. The verse is all…

Edgar Allen Poe’s “Annabel Lee” was his last poem before his death. Having lost many important women in his life, he frequently wrote about the…

Hosted by SoulFeed Podcast, Elena Brower shares a powerful spoken word poem, “Ritual of Recovery”, about overcoming addiction. Brower is not alone as reportedly 29…

Brittin Oakman’s poem “” expresses the struggle for calm that is experienced by individuals living with anxiety disorders. Oakman’s poem also reminds those suffering from…