At the age of three, Gale started to challenge gender norms, insisting on wearing dresses and tiaras, by age four sobbing at his mirror image…

In this TedTalk given at the University of Waterloo, Alicia Raimundo details her own experiences of overcoming suicidal ideation and suicide attempt as a young…

The National’s “Terrible Love” depicts the personal anguish and loneliness of an individual who suffers from alcoholism. Unable to fall asleep without consuming alcohol, the…

Recent headlines about suicide, domestic violence, and shootings have brought to public awareness the mental health strain that is placed on the men and women…

Andrea Gibson is an award-winning poet and activist, whose poetry focuses on gender norms, social reform, and mental health challenges faced by individuals in the…

What if physical difficulties were treated the same way as mental health problems? This short video cleverly brings attention to the misconceptions about mental health,…

In December of 2014, the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee released a tell-all report about the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) detainment and interrogation of suspected terrorists,…

On September 10th, 2015, Stephanie Lembo posted a heartbreaking video on her Facebook page that has received nearly twenty-three million views and the attention of…

In the wake of another college shooting in the US, various politicians and media outlets predictably pointed the finger at mental illness in an effort…

“Tomorrow is the day of retribution, the day in which I will have my retribution against humanity, against all of you.” Elliot Rodger spoke these…