Understanding and Healing Trauma
Dawson Church, PhD, is an award-winning author and epigenetic researcher. Church explores the development of trauma in the brain and why certain techniques seem to be more effective than others. The main theme of this exclusive interview is about how to gain control of one’s own healing journey. More specifically, understanding one’s trauma and how it impacts one’s life can be an empowering experience.
Church describes two kinds of trauma and what sets them apart. Furthermore, he explores some interesting questions related to how the brain responds when an individual experiences trauma. He includes some techniques that can help to break through underlying complex trauma and explains how some theories can retraumatize a person and do more harm than good. Church stresses the importance of touch in healing trauma. Some energy techniques are explored as options for healing trauma as well.
Video Link: https://www.gaia.com/share/ckckvqsa701l20iqp7075bsu4
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Feature Image: Marina Vitale, on Unsplash, Creative Commons