In a short video featured on Buzzfeed four brave individuals discuss their attempts at taking their own lives. The video–and accompanying article–offers insight on how they coped and developed personal…

‘Happy Little Pill’, performed by Troye Sivan, is a song about loneliness, antidepressants, and different ways that people cope. As Sivan explains, it was written during a…

In September 2015, the Supreme Court of British Columbia, Canada, ruled that a mother, known only as ‘B.R.’, could no longer leave her eight-year old…

‘Listen’ is a poem by Kaitlin Akow, presented at the Vancouver Poetry Slam. The poem discusses the issue of anxiety and the struggle to be…

Three years ago, Ameera Mohammed felt something strange. As if a rock were pressing against her chest, she struggled to breathe. Sweat trickled down her…

Burning” by Cassandra Yanez-Layton to show what a mentally ill person feels as their mind is disoriented and their brain is experiencing a slow deterioration….

Michelle Hebert is an artist based out of Los Angeles, California. In this series on depression, she addresses the varying shifts in thoughts and feelings…

Rachel, a blogger on time-to-change.org, suffers from an unnamed mental illness. She wrote this poem in an effort to speak to the fear, discrimination, and…

In this TedTalk, Andrew Solomon speaks about the thoughts and experiences he had while facing depression, and how this motivated him to interview others with…

“Out of the Darkness” is one of the many written pieces featured in a book called FASCInATE – Friends of Alma St Centre Inspiring Action…