“My aunt woke me to say that my mom sent a text to the family priest in the middle of the night, asking for prayers…

As a counselor, social worker, or therapist, how do you begin conversations with your clients? What are the best ways to break the ice and…

Anna R. was having an ultrasound, prepared to see her baby for the first time. When she asked the technician what the sex of the…

When a father loses a child, his grief can sometimes be eclipsed by that of the mother’s. This poem by Eileen Knight Hagemeister describes how…

When she was 10 years old, Sarah wrote the original song “Dream Child” in memory of her young cousin who had died within of few…

Does reading have the ability to increase empathy? Writer and activist Alaa Al Aswany thinks so. He believes that the role of literature has been…

A friend of mine once told me that she was the product of her mother’s rape. Staring at her reflection in the mirror, she wondered…

You are seven years old… alone in the hospital, away from home and the support of family and friends. You can’t go to school, roughhouse…

“Tomorrow is the day of retribution, the day in which I will have my retribution against humanity, against all of you.” Elliot Rodger spoke these…