When she was a young girl, Danielle (name changed) was recruited into domestic sex trafficking from her long-term foster home. She was only able to…

“Parallel Universes” is a poignant poem written by a man with schizophrenia. Dan Hoeweler had this poem and two other equally beautiful pieces published in…

Years ago, I was kicked out of my home because of my drug use. My single mother sent me to live at a local youth…

Under the concrete, ivy-covered walls of many universities lies a disturbing phenomenon; homelessness. Many find it incomprehensible that homelessness would exist in these spaces, but …

This series of in-depth interviews covers the difficulties that homeless men and women face with mental illness and drug abuse. A man named Cameron from…

At the age of three, Gale started to challenge gender norms, insisting on wearing dresses and tiaras, by age four sobbing at his mirror image…

“For every visible homeless person there are hundreds that we do not see. For every homeless person we do not see there is someone who…

For most of us, walking by a homeless person who is curled up on a tattered blanket, asking for spare change seems like a common…

The Trauma and Attachment Report interviewed Tom Regehr of Cast Canada. Tom reveals how his personal experience with homelessness has allowed him to provide support…