“One Day” by legendary reggae singer Matisyahu is an optimistic and upbeat song that speaks about hope for a future without war. A future where children will be able…

“Tie a Knot” is a song by folk artist John Wolford, who lost his cousin in a domestic violence homicide. The lyrics remind those in similar…

“Elefante” is an award-winning short film written and directed by Barcelonian producer Pablo Larcuen about a man dissatisfied with his life and dealing with a…

A good friend of mine, Jessica (name changed), was diagnosed with social anxiety disorder in September of 2017, the same year she enrolled in university….

American poet Robert Frost’s famous poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay” uses nature imagery to reveal that every good time or “gold” moment is fleeting and…

On occasion, we hear of extreme cases of child abuse, making family names like the Turpins infamous. The 13 Turpin children were held captive in…

Christa Marie’s poem “Broken Stairs” tells the story of a young girl’s fight with depression. The poem speaks of “monsters in her mind” which can be interpreted as representing her mental illness, her thoughts, and the lies…