In his series, ‘It’s Hardly Noticeable’, photographer John William Keedy depict his personal struggle with anxiety through photography. He didn’t just publish self-portraits, however. Instead,…

‘Phobia’, a short film by Jordy Templeman, describes the everyday struggles of a man suffering from a phobia of open spaces. This film portrays the extreme…

‘Scars’, a song by artist Allison Iraheta, describes her personal journey through emotional abuse and depression. The lyrics depict the sense of hopelessness and confusion she…

Directed by Dani Fray of the York University Department of Theatre, Film, and Television, “OCD” is a short fillm that follows the average morning of…

In Nepal, the incidence of human trafficking has grown in the past decade. Each year, over 7,000 women and girls are trafficked out to India,…

‘Anxiety’ is an oil-on-canvas painting created by Edvard Munch in 1894. Many believe that the painting closely resembles Munch’s famous work titled ‘The Scream’. The…

In this TedTalk from 2011, JD Schramm–a Stanford University business professor–addresses the need to break the silence around suicide. He also makes an appeal for…

“One of My Turns” by Pink Floyd is an eerie song describing the instant an individual goes from being stable to having a psychotic breakdown….