Loyola University recently hosted an exhibit on the works of William Utermohlen, an artist who documented his battle with Alzheimer’s disease through self-portraits over a…
The author of “Alone”, Edgar Allen Poe, experienced many setbacks in his short life. These influenced his writing and helped define his literary style. First,…
In February 2016, Gail—a 911 dispatcher with Toronto Paramedic Services—found herself in tears at work. She had just received a call about Wallace Passos, a…
The song “Otherside” by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis narrates a story about drug use and the descent into addiction. As a young man, Macklemore struggled…
People struggling with mental illness are often told to “get over it”. In this cartoon, Dima Dupéré rejects this misconception and sheds light on how…
This series of in-depth interviews covers the difficulties that homeless men and women face with mental illness and drug abuse. A man named Cameron from…
Performing for Toronto during the semi-finals at the 2014 National Poetry Slam, Sabrina Benaim shares her raw experience with depression, disclosing what she has endured…
At one time or another, we may realize that something a friend or family member has said is ‘off’. Neuroscientist Mariano Sigman has taken this…
The song “The Handler” by the band Muse depicts the torment the mind undergoes when being forcibly controlled by an external force. The lyrics describe…