Sarah Williams’ powerful TEDx Sydney Youth talk, “Ending victim blaming: Shifting the story from guilt to justice,” delivers a compelling message that challenges societal norms…

On this episode Trauma and Mental Health writer Jasleen Ghuman talks with Babette Rothschild and Vanessa Bear to discuss the topic of trauma and recovery…

“If it is hard to feel, it is hard to heal.” Steve Haines is a creative story teller who explores the science of a complex…

“Guilt doesn’t live here anymore” is a poem written by famous slam poet Blythe Baird. It is a message of self-assurance to survivors of sexual…

“No one comes running for young boys who cry rape” – Kevin Kantor, “People You May Know”. Anthony Edwards, an American actor and director, widely…

The song “Never Too Late” by Three Days Grace tells the story of someone who was sexually abused as a child and how the effects of this…

“The Morning After I Killed Myself” is a poem by 22-year old Meggie Royer, who writes at Writings for Winter. She has two published poetry…

“I have stage 3 cancer; my friend has stage 1—which is like a pimple.” On her personal blog, Debbie Woodbury, a woman diagnosed with Stage…

In a personal essay in the Hartford Courant, 17-year old Cassandra C. recalls her legal battle when she refused to undergo chemotherapy after being diagnosed…