A dramatic new Netflix docuseries delves into the unsolved murder of a beloved nun and teacher, Sister Cathy Cesnik. Beginning as a murder mystery, viewers…
Renowned British poet Lemn Sissay suffered terrible abuse in foster care. He was subjected to violence, emotional cruelty, racism, and severe maltreatment in a system…
Once a patriotic and willing recruit of the British army and decorated twice for his incredible acts of bravery during the first world war, Military…
After being raped by her boyfriend at the age of 16 and living for nearly a decade with the shame and guilt of the assault,…
In this TED Talk, Sue Klebold, mother of Dylan Klebold, one of the Columbine High School shooters, attempts to make sense of the tragedy caused…
To my daughter I will say, ‘When the men come, set yourself on fire’ – In love and In War, Warsan Shire “Teaching My Mother…
In this emotionally evocative spoken-word poem, Terisa Siagatonu draws parallels between youth facing urban street violence and soldiers experiencing combat. Both, Siagatonu claims, are at…
In this poem, the author only known as Trobers discusses her experience of returning from war with PTSD, and recalls the girl she used to…
A January 2016 Vancouver Sun article reported on 16 seniors in British Columbia (BC) killed in the last 4 years from violence in long-term care…