The silent scream echoes through the night, As the darkness descends and the world loses light, A cry for help that nobody can hear, A…

In today’s episode, somatic therapist and Executive Director of the Neutral Ground Collective, dix Moore-Broussard, joins The Trauma and Mental Health Report’s podcast to…

On this episode Trauma and Mental Health writer Jasleen Ghuman talks with Babette Rothschild and Vanessa Bear to discuss the topic of trauma and recovery…

Eating disorders impact a vast number of people, with approximately 10% of the world suffering from a type of eating disorder at some point in…

Sending a message of self-determination and empowerment, Australian singer, and songwriter, Sia, provides a strong message about carrying on in her song “Unstoppable”. The song…

Terrible, thanks for asking is a cross-platform podcast created by Nora Mclnerny, the host of each episode. After the sudden lost of Nora’s husband and…

Maria Jose Espindola, also known as itaartista, is a young Colombian visual artist based in Bogota D.C (who is also part of the artist collective…

Eckhart Tolle is a German spiritual teacher and author of the US bestseller “The Power of Now”. In his book, Tolle shares his personal journey…

In this TEDx Talk, psychologist Dr. Joanne Davila discusses how to have healthy romantic relationships. She emphasizes the impact that good and bad relationships can have on our mental, emotional and physical…