Glennon Doyle is an author, activist, and non-profit executive. From the age of 8 Glennon struggled with bulimia, and later addiction, which she speaks openly…

“Idontwannabeyouanymore” is a well-known single released in 2017 by singer-songwriter Billie Eilish. The song addresses Billie’s low self-confidence and insecurities, among other things. It is…

“I think I’ve always struggled with my mental health. Even as a little girl I can remember being uncontrollably sad and stand-offish from people… I…

“Day of the God (Mahana no Atua)” was painted in 1894 by Paul Gauguin. Gauguin was a French post-impressionist artist who only became renowned after his…

AfterTrauma is a website that allows survivors of trauma to speak up about their experiences and find support through the stories of others. The Centre…

“Empty” is an award winning short film about a woman, Kiera, living with an eating disorder and her battle with the hypercritical voices in her…

Remember “Scatman (Ski-Ba-Bop-Ba-Dop-Bop)”, that mainstay of every 90’s top hits compilation? If you remember the lyrics to the song, you might recall that they outline how…

As a child, I would sometimes find myself wide-awake in bed, but unable to move. Some nights, I would hear voices in my room, as…

Life On The Line, a non-profit art project organized by Twentytwenty Arts, featured prints of original artworks by 20 local artists displayed inside subway trains, in Toronto. This…

Based in Chicago, Illinois, Bianca Phipps is an actor, teaching artist, and spoken word poet. Her poem, “Almosts,” explores the loss and grief she experienced after the…